Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday is Laundry Day- Simply Mind Numbing or Not??

Tuesday is laundry day in our house. 
 I came home after working late. The house peaceful as the kids were nestled snuggly in bed. On the banister was a small square sticky note with large printing in marker. It said, simply, 'Mom laundry NOW.' I giggled!

There are several words in the Oxford Dictionary that define laundry:

Launder: verb wash and iron (clothes etc.) 2. To transfer (funds etc) to conceal their origin.

I suppose there is a connection. I mean we transfer the articles we are washing from the floor, under things, on things, in things, to baskets, bags, to the floor, to the machine, to another machine, back in baskets and then, hopefully back in their appropriate storage space. We wash the articles of clothing to conceal the origin of the need to clean them in the first place!

Launderette: an establishment with coin operated washing machines and driers for public use.

Laundress: I love this one!- A woman whose job it is to launder clothes. I wonder what men do if they do not have a woman to do this.

Laundry: noun A place where clothes etc are laundered; a business establishment that launders things for customers. 2. clothes etc for washing, especially those sent to or from a laundry. (yeah, defining a word with the word you are trying to define, please!)

I like Laundry definition 2- I am eagerly awaiting for the City of North Bay to install vacuum tubes from all the homes to the local Laundrette’s. I mean, think about it! Very energy efficient.

I used a Front End load machine when I was around 8 years old. This would have been 42 years ago. It took me 42 years to finally have my own Front End Load. (And no, I am not talking about investments or a piece of heavy equipment!)

When I was 8 my aunt AND my Grandma had Front End Load washers. One day I was helping my Auntie Marion do the laundry. She was giving me instructions on how to use her machine. She said, “Now, be careful of your….” Too late! My hand got sucked up into the ROLLER. No damage done. I was scared out of my skin though. I have provided you with a link to show you the model she used!

When I have to contemplate the laundry that never seems to end, I wonder at the lost art. I wonder at how time consuming it seems to so many of us now, but how can we compare!
My mother regales us with tales of having to wash the diapers for my brother (11 months older ) and I in a very small trailer in France. I hate doing the laundry almost as much as doing the dishes.

I have found tricks and tips to help ease the task.
This Tuesday’s Free Laundry Tip:

Find a good wash and fold service. In North Bay, Ontario, Canada, I take my laundry to Cindi at Algonquin Laundromat.

She is a god send! I love picking the clothes up from there- all nicely folded, sorted. And, the bottom sheets for the bed- how does she fold them so perfectly? Mine always end up looking like puff pillows! …makes for sitting neatly on a shelf impossible! Seriously, it is worth the money to have a wash and fold service do any large items. Also, if you are stressed with your schedule and the laundry is piling up, do yourself a favour. It is almost as good as going for a massage!

Love and All Good Things,   The Peaceful Matriarch

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