Thursday, March 11, 2010


On the first Sunday of the month I sit down with my recipe books and my tried-&-true meal plan tools.  I really enjoying the time going through the books and pieces of paper- finding old friends as well as new recipes to try.  I will sometimes go to the library and pickup some books.

I have been pondering Vegetarian.  My kids are going through an anti meat stage.  We have always eaten healthy.  I tend to stay away from 'diets'.  However, I picked up B (Melissa Perlman & Erica Gragg).  What a wonderful plan and recipes.  I would love to follow their plan, however after adding up the time it would take every day just to do the non-eating aspects of the plan, I would need at least 2 hours, a babysitter and a place to workout.  I think I will just go to Amansala for a concentrated program! 

In the past I have followed and quiet enjoy Dr. Louise Gittleman's Fat Flush Plan.  Great recipes and great program.  I just wish we had something like this Canadianized!  Next, I have a book called SuperFoods Rx by Steven Pratt, MD and Kathey Mattews.  There is also another Super Foods book I picked up at the library- The Super Foods Diet Book.  Now, I did not see the 'diet' part when I grabbed the book.  I just 'saw' the Super Foods and figured it was more recipes by Steven Pratt. 

After some more tea and much pondering, I decided that changing any habit takes 21 days. Perhaps if I just test these Super Foods out- make a commitment on this space- out to the Universe- I could honestly plot my course through to see how this works in the real world.  I mean, here in Canada; as a single mom with a crazy work schedule and limited budget.

So here we are - Wednesday.  Here is my report:

Meal Plan- even though I had the books, you still need at least 2-3 hours to put a two week plan together.  This includes:
1) Picking out the recipes.
2) Recording the information in your Meal Planner.  ( I have an excellent one I have used for 30 years)
3) Preparing a shopping list and finding out what is (not) in your cupboards.

Clean out your Fridge.  Do a list of what you have in the fridge, freezer and cupboards. 
Put together a bag or two for your local Food Bank.

Start a food journal.  Any book or journal will do.  Write the start date, your goal, your measurements, your weight.  See subsequent posts for more info.

In Retrospect:  Give yourself a week to get organized.

Sunday I planned
Monday I cleaned
Tuesday I shopped.....

Tuesday- I spent a good 2-3 hours cleaning the veggies/fruits/unpacking etc; preparing my lunch/supper for the next day. ( This is after shopping.)
               I started my food journal.
In retrospect: I would have shopped earlier so the kids could have helped!

Well, what can I say.  The morning started off well.  I managed to get the last pear so I was able to eat the breakfast as planned.  However, the day got so busy, I did not eat 'lunch' until 3:30 pm.  I had an evening appt so I rushed home for dinner- thank goodness most of it was ready!

The kids asked many questions, with strange looks on their faces, complaints poised on their breath...

So far, nothing has changed!...

Love and All Good Things!     The Peaceful Matriarch

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