Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I belong to a list-serv, Alternatives North. I received an email on Monday in regards to BIG PHARMA trying to use the Canada-European Union Free Trade Agreement to get rights that will expand their patent rights and increase drug prices!

So here is the gist of it--- you can see the full article on the National Union of Public and General Employees....


The BIG PHARMA are going this route because they know with our current Minority Government, they won't succeed with Canada's Parliament.

And low and behold- two provinces- Quebec and Alberta have already written to the federal government asking them to support the BIG PHARMA demands!  What did I say yesterday about big corporations buying our government?

Drug companies are making BILLIONS of dollars in profit.  And not taxed much either- in Alberta 10%! 

Right now they can get 20 years of patent protection before a generic company can make the same drug at a more affordable price- and- they can extend it 2 more years if they want to squash a generic company.  They just have to CLAIM that the generic company is infringing the patent!  No proof required.

So here are four things they want, but can't have from the Canadian Gov't but can from the European Union:
  • The Right to Infringement turned down- want more free competition time.
  • Extension of the patent protection to however long it takes to get the new drug approved in the market.
  • Data protection- keep ingredients secret for up to 10 years even if the ingredients do not need patent protection.
  • Seizure of drug shipments if the drug company decides the shipment violates a patent right.
What does it mean for you?  Delay access to cheaper, more affordable drugs

"...They want the trade deal to cancel the right of Canadians to have a say in how the drug industry operates.....Our governments need to stand up for the right of Canadians- and for their own right to make democratic decisions.  They need to tell the drug companies that they can't go to Europe to get through the back door what would never be agreed to in an open debate in Canada." says Larry Brown, NUPGE Secretary Treasurer.

A public rally has been scheduled for Friday October 29, 2010
 to demand Harper halt the negotiations.

What can you do?  Call or email your MP- tell them this is not acceptable!

******************Lets look at one of these companies....Pfizer...they had total revenues in 2009 of $50.1 BILLION dollars.  (Wikipedia) 

 and ....

CEO of Pfizer in 2008, Jeffrey B. Kindler earned a total compensation of $14,788,302, which included a base salary of $1,575,000, a cash bonus of $3,000,000, stocks granted of $7,553,015, and options granted of $2,222,026.[3]

This is more than the total budget for North Bay, Ontario, Canada!  Our City has 55,000 people!

I mean, come on!  Why does he need to make $15 million dollars?  What does Pfizer manufacture? According to their 2009 Financial Statements they made a profit of $8 Billion!  After tax which I wonder if they really paid...

Well, divide 15 million into 8 Billion- how many years do you think their profits would pay for even our City Budget???

How much money do you need?  What about balance!  I am not against profit...I am against things like ...

"Canada Regains Tims Bragging Rights- Edmonton Journal, Sept 23, 2009.  Canada Will have the Lowest Corporate tax rate in the G7 by 2012" 

Really, I mean Really????  Our Canada Pension plan is gone, Employment Insurance is a joke, Poverty is at its all time high, we have a 49.2 billion dollar deficit.. our Health Care system is eroding..... Your plan is not working Mr Harper!  Get the other countries together and unite- even the playing field!  You want a world economy?  Offer a universal  corporate tax rate!

I think Gail Vax-Oxlade needs to meet with you Mr. Harper and your Finance Minister.  I think she put our, my money!  into glass jars and cut up your signature stamp!

It is starting people- take notice, take a stand!

Love and all good things!

The Peaceful Matriarch


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