Tuesday, October 26, 2010


On October 15, 2010, I travelled to Ottawa, Ontario. 

In the evening I attended a fund raising event at the beautiful Dominion-Chalmers United Church hosted by Canada Without Poverty- Poverty and Punchlines.  Steve Patterson, host, Don Kelly and Mary Walsh - great Canadian comedic talent- raised the laughter high into the beautiful dome roof. 

Ed Broadbent graced the stage and talked about the need for a National Housing program.  But the icing on the cake was the  Poor No More Documentary clip shown by Mary Walsh.  We all needed tissue to wipe away the tears- not from laughter this time.  The 2010 Poor No More Documentary  looks at Canada, Ireland and Sweden's poverty and the working poor. 

Most of what was in this film did not surprise me as I sat on the board of Canada Without Poverty for 6 years (NAPO when I was on the Board).  I had the privilege of going to the United Nations in Geneva to speak, along with many Non-Government Organizations, to the United Nations Committee on Economic Social & Cultural Rights (2006) hearings, 

What did shock me was the story on the LCBO- Liquor Control Board of Ontario- owned by the Ontario Government.  SHOCKING!  The salaries and bonuses are absolutely ridiculous!  Our tax dollars being given to the few at the top while the workers are so poorly paid.

But, do you as the average Canadian, the average world traveller...are you aware of the GREAT RACE TO THE BOTTOM?  The race for all the countries on our planet to offer their countries up on a silver platter to CORPORATIONS?  How?  What?  Yes, some countries are racing as fast as they can to bring the big money, wealth to their countries by lowering the Corporate taxes. Big Corporations buying our countries via our politicians! The consequences of the BIG RACE- poverty rates in Canada are at an all time high!    Check out the Fact Sheet on the Poor No More Documentary website to find out more about poverty in Canada.

Corporate tax rate for 2010 in Ireland- 12.5%
Corporate tax rate for 2010 in Canada- 18%- down from 19% in 2009! Corporate tax rate for 2010 in Sweden- 26.3%

Now, these are companies recording BILLIONS of dollars in profit.

Personal marginal tax on $55,000 in Canada is 31.15%  so the government collects approx $10,734 from you if you live in Ontario.

I took a quick look at Bell Canada.  You need to be an accountant to understand their financial statements, but it appears to me that they made almost $16 billion dollars in 2009 and did not pay a cent in taxes!  And they paid out dividends! 

Their tax bill, if they had paid the 31.15% in taxes would be $310,500 million dollars!  Can you just Imagine???  I wonder how many of their employees made over $200,000 a year and how many make less than $50,000. 

Even Warren Buffet- a multi billionaire says the rich are taxed too little.....


It is TIME to wake up and take notice !  Take ACTION!  Do you really accept this?

The world is a changing place.  These old systems, old way of doing things- they no longer work.  They served their purpose...it is time ...  get educated...this is very personal- it is about you, me and everyone else on this planet!  How can you make a change?  Ask questions, talk, VOTE!

Love and all good things!

The Peaceful Matriarch


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