Sunday, November 7, 2010


" The average depth of poverty in Canada- how far below Low Income Cut-Off After Tax thresholds Canadians in poverty live- was nearly $4,000 (CDN).  in 2006.  On an individual basis, roughly speaking, for every $100 (CDN) a person in poverty needed absolutely to meet Basic Needs in 2006, he or she is missing $20 (CDN). The poverty gap is even greater for many households: in 2007 the gap for female lone-parent families was $7,500 (CDN) and for male lone parent families, $8,600 (CDN).  The depth of poverty is increasing."  (Excerpt from the Canada Without Poverty Oct 2010 Presentation on Poverty in Yellowknife, NWT, Canada.)

Based on a table from the National Council on Welfare on the average dollars below the poverty line-2007- The depth of poverty is disclosed as follows- with the deepest in poverty first and smallest at the end:
 * Male Lone Parents* Two-parent Families with Children* Female lone parent families* Working Age unattached men* Working Age unattached women* Working age couples without children* Unattached senior women* Unattached senior men.

How much did Canada collect in Revenue from Corporations vs Individuals?  I will tell you who is funding this country- not the corporations!  74% of tax revenue for 2009 came from Individuals.  21% came from the Corporations!

Want to find out more? Check out the Public Accounts of Canada- at the Public Works and Government Services website.

So lets talk about the "little bit poor" in Canada. 
             * Over 300,000 or more, homeless in Canada
             * Over 1.7 million people with major housing affordability issues
             * Too many people paying over 50% of their income towards shelter
                costs alone

Here are some homelessness facts- taken from the Red Tents- Housing is a Right website:

Homelessness costs at least $2 billion per year in Canada.

According to a 2001 study [1], the combined service and shelter costs for an average homeless person in Canada are $10,000 higher than the combined service and housing costs for an average housed person. Using these figures, and a national estimate of 200,000 homeless people (a very low estimate) [2], the federal government is needlessly spending some $2 billion dollars per year, just by allowing the homeless to remain un-housed.

$10,000 per homeless person per year [1]
X 200,000 homeless in Canada (very low estimate) [2]  =$2 billion spent needlessly per year

But . . . according to a recent study in 2009, the cost of allowing someone to remain homeless in Canada rather than house them is much higher - $20,000 higher, in fact [3]. Using these figures, and a more accurate national estimate of 300,000 homeless people, the federal government is needlessly spending some $6 billion dollars per year, just by allowing the homeless to remain un-housed.

$20,000 per homeless person per year [3]
X 300,000 homeless in Canada (accurate estimate) [4]  =$6 billion spent needlessly per year

If those figures aren't shocking enough, here are a couple more:

Between 1993 and 2004, Canadian taxpayers spent an estimated $49.5 billion maintaining the status quo on the homeless problem in Canada. [5]

It costs $48,000 a year to leave someone out on the street. It costs $28,000 a year to house them. [3]

The numbers speak for themselves. Besides the human impact of this national homeless emergency, the financial impact is reason enough for change.

The point here is this- there is no excuse for any poverty in Canada.  We are a very wealthy country.

See, if we were taxed less, we would have more disposable income to spend on all those goods and services provided for by all forms of business. 

It is mind blogging to think about all the "poverty" Non Gov't Agencies, charities- the money- some of it gov't funded- the networks that have sprung up BECAUSE our gov't is not doing their job.  I would like to see how much money is in that sector.  How many volunteers?  How much time is spent? 

The good thing is- the time for change is upon us.  Our governments, all of our systems- they have served their purpose.  A new evolution is upon us and we have the opportunity before us to bring about a whole new humanity.

Love and all good things!

The Peaceful Matriarch

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