Monday, November 15, 2010


This week - November 15th- is National Medicare Week in Canada

Kiefer Sutherland's (actor- 24 tv series) grandfather Tommy Douglas founded our Medicare System in 1947.  You can Kiefer speak out, via video on the Canadian Health Coalition Team website, about his support for Canada's National Medicare Program.

The Canadian Health Coalition Team has put out the following alert.  Go to their website (click on their name above or below and you will go directly to the site).  Once on their website, you can join the pledge or email the Prime Minister of Canada or both.

Why is there not enough money and what is going to happen in 2014? 

There are several reasons for the lack of money.  Currently the Gov't covers about 69% of our health care costs.  Increase in costs and aging population can certainly be pointed to. 


Often what happens is we get information and then we forget about it. When it comes to our Governments, for the most part, the masses are not educated or knowledgeable (or really care) where their money goes.

So why are we here?  Well, in the mid 1990's the Federal Government changed how it was funding the Provinces/Territories in financial transfers.  This action left big holes in Provincial/Territorial budgets. 

In addition, around the same time, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives lobbied the Federal Gov't successfully to have Corporate tax rates lowered.   Did you know you pay more in taxes than the Corporations?    Before the Corporate tax rate was lowered, Corporations were paying 75% of the taxes and individuals were paying 25% of the taxes. 

Now it is the exact opposite.  A non believer?  Check it out for yourself. Not sure where to even look?  It is called Public Accounts of Canada.  I went in and did a quick tally- sure enough, it is true.

In 2003, the Federal Gov't set up a Royal Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada.  There was actually a First Ministers Accord on Health Care Renewal reached in 2003. 7 years, what has been implemented??  I am still trying to find out...

For more information on Health Care in Canada- continue to read over the next few days. 

Take Action for Health Care

Dear friend,

This week is National Medicare Week, a time to celebrate a defining feature of of our country. Canadians strongly support the core values on which our public health care system is premised – equity and fairness.

There are, however, serious problems that need to be urgently addressed, including lack of access to timely care, home and continuing care, and affordable prescription drugs.

And the Prime Minister has stood idly by as provinces de-list services, allow extra-billing by physicians, and permit the selling of medically-necessary diagnostic services and queue-jumping, all in violation of the Canada Health Act.

We need you to take a moment right now and email the Prime Minister. It only takes 2 minutes. The Prime Minister needs to know that Canadians want action and leadership on health care, and they want the Canada Health Act enforced.

Click here to email the Prime Minister



– The Canadian Health Coalition Team

Take action- this is YOUR Present and YOUR Future...

Love and All Good Things,

The Peaceful Matriarch

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