Sunday, November 14, 2010


The daylight hours are shorter, the air is cooler.  The sky at dusk is stunning in its pastel, clear pinks and blues.  You can always tell when it is a fall night or a spring night or summer night or winter night.  The colours and texture of the sky are distinctly different.  Even the clouds are different.

I love the fall- all its stages.  The leaves are gone, the days seem can smell the smoke of fireplaces and wood stoves.  As the darkness comes in and wraps me in its warm cloak I get a deep sense of comfort and well being.  Yes, the Universe was wise to order up Fall.  As night falls quicker, the days seem to fly by.  November- so hard to believe it is November.

Fall, for me, is a time of preparing for winter- digging out boots, hats, mitts, coats.  Strange to see all the bulk!  Daily challenges with the kids- no, you cannot wear shorts today or ever again !  (until the spring.)  It is also a time to hunker down- read, listen to music, spend times in doors relaxing, planning for Christmas. 

More important, it is important to remain healthy and vital- exercise, eat well.

Even the food we eat changes- fruits and veggies for the winter season.  More warm, soul feeding foods.

My favorite is my "Clean out the Fridge Stew-oup".

Once a week I go through my fridge and collect all the ingredients.  I save even the smallest of left overs and then I mix it with a base.

Tonight's soup:  Place into a big pot:

  • One large can of diced Tomatoes (if you cannot eat tomatoes, use more broth)
  • Half a container of Veggie Broth
  • A scoop of dry "Alphabet" noodles
  • Left over cooked rice
  • Left over broccoli
  • Garlic- chopped
  • 1/4 red onion- chopped
  • Cut up leftover sausage
  • 4 stalks of celery chopped
  • 1 Carrot peeled and chopped in ovals
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 teaspoon oregano, basil (other seasonings to your taste)
Bring ingredients to a boil. (no lid)
  1. Turn down to med-low, low- just allow to simmer.  The longer it simmers, the thicker it will become. 
  2. Allow to cook for a minimum of 15 mins, max one hour.  (If you leave on longer, keep a lid on and check.  If more liquid is needed, add water. Any starchy foods will slowly release the starch, thickening up the stew-oup)
  3.  Serve with salad, baking powder biscuits or garlic bread.
 The aroma of the stew-oup will fill your house.  If you have leftovers, put into containers and store in the refrigerator.

Baking Power Biscuits- From the Fanny Farmer Cookbook ( 12th Edition) pge 490
  • 2 c Flour                            1 T sugar
  • 1/2 t salt                            1/2 vegetable shortening, butter
  • 4 t baking powder                2/3 cups milk
  • 1/2 t cream of tartar (actually a powder)
1. Preheat Oven to 425 F
2. Grease two 8" cake pans (or large rectangular pan)
3. Mix all dry ingredients together (flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, cream of tartar in a bowl
4. Cut shortening/butter in with two knives until mixture resembles course meal.
5. Add milk all at once to dry ingredients and stir with a fork until dough forms a ball around the fork.
6. Turn the dough out on a floured surface and knead 14 times. ( I often just knead it right in the bowl.  Then I don't have to make a flour mess.)
7. Pat out with hands until 1/2 thick.  (I use wax paper or parchment paper so it does not stick to the surface.)
8. Cut into rounds using a 2" cookie cutter.  (I have also used a coffee mug, small bowl- find what you can that has the diameter you would like.)
9. Place into pan touching each other.

Bake for 10-20 minutes.  Should be slightly brown on the bottom and top.

Serve with warm butter, jam, cheese etc.

Store in air tight container.  Doubt you will have ANY left over!
(Note:  It seems fitting to add Fanny Farmer to my article.  She fits right in as a Woman Unlimited.  Read about Fannie Farmer.)

Go outside with your warm coat on.  Stare up at the starry sky.  Let your lungs fill with the sharp, cool air.  Feel the earth beneath your feet and...

Feel the full force of Gratitude.....

Love and all Good Things,

The Peaceful Matriarch

The Fannie Farmer Cookbook (Twelfth -12th- Edition)

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