Monday, November 22, 2010


Today at 11:22 pm marks the end of the New Reality Transmission Project.  I will be looking forward to hearing what they have to say.

I love Sunday.  Sunday has beautiful energy.  A time to wind down, a time to get ready for the next week.  A time of reflection of what has happened during the week.

I have been posting a lot of information about Poverty, the Gov't and Corporations.  I am doing this not to dwell on these issues but to accumulate all the information into one space- to remind people, to educate people.  Hopefully over the coming weeks I will be able to articulate the purpose.  For now, it is like I said before.  All of this is a result of past action, past decisions.  More importantly, you, me- all of us- we can change the world, just by how we think and feel.

We are going through a major transformation- we are lucky to have so many choices before us.  The most powerful force on this planet is love, then gratitude.  How we feel creates our thoughts and actions.  We have more control than we realize.

To help us along the way, we have energy workers trained in many many modalities.  The modality does not matter- what matter is the healing.

Reiki.  I love Reiki.  It is a powerful force not only for deep healing but as a way of life.  Many energy (or light) workers have more than one career. Sometimes we get so bogged down in the hard matter of every day life we compartmentalize ourselves between the spiritual and the physical work we do.  I think many of us have these challenges to overcome- healers or not.

I had the opportunity of taking my Karuna Reiki Class (Karuna Reiki is a registered trademark of the International Centre for Reiki Training) with William Rand, Laurelle Shanti Gaia and Michael Baird in Hunter, NY.  In addition to the course, I learned how important and easy it was to integrate Reiki into everyday life.  It is so easy when you are surrounded by like minded people!  
I have days and sometimes long stretches of days where I forget that I can use Reiki for everything!  From now on, I will consciously apply it!

For more information on Reiki and what it is

It is said it only takes 21 days to change a habit.  Start out small.  Pick one thing.  Focus every day on what you wish to have or  the way you want to be. 

Turn your head and heart towards love.  Start your day with Gratitude and continue throughout the whole day-til bed time.  We do not have to engage in the old patterns of conversation, gossip, "Did you hear about???"  "  How are you?  Terrible!"  No....erase that thought and replace it with "Good, as the day wears on, its getting better! "

Take some time each day in quiet reflection.  Breathe deep, close your eyes and find something to imagine, think about that makes you smile! Warms your heart!  If I have trouble quieting my mind I simply visualize my ego being put lovingly into a room and closing the door!

Since Reiki transcends all time and space, I am sending a Reiki to all that read this.  May this healing be used for the highest good of all concerned.  If you do not accept this healing, then I ask it to be sent out to someone who needs it or Mother Earth.

Love, Light and All Good Things,

The Peaceful Matriarch

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