Friday, November 19, 2010


Did you join in the meditation tonight at 11:11 pm?  We are on Day 8 of 11...if you have not heard about this, see my blog of Nov 15, 2010 or go to the New Reality Transmission Website (click here).

Creative Power is love.  Love creates.  We all have a need to create- whether it be through art, music, gardening, construction, quilting, sewing.  We all create in our work- if we have passion for what we do.  Have passion or find another outlet! 

Thurs night for over 30 years has always been a sacred time for me to delve into another aspect- that of creation.  I see my knitting needles or some beautiful fabric and I am immediately transported....the colours....the textures....the vision of the finished piece.  I itch for the time the kids are in bed and I can start my latest project.

Every year at this time, when the days are short and the air is cool it is almost like some instinct takes over!  I take out all my "books" and begin going through and picking out what I am going to make everyone for Christmas.  Of course, starting these projects at the end of November is slightly ridiculous and often garners huge guffaws from my close friends.  It gives one such a warm feeling when you have people who know you so well!!!  What can I say?  It is like that huge buffet of food- so many choices, so little room (or time)!

It signals a cutoff in my house.  House renovations and maintenance go on hold. The kids get some leniency in the household chores.  I warn my friends - 'excuse the mess'. And, you may not see me for awhile- maybe call or stop by to make sure I am still on this planet!

But I make no apologies!  Creativity means space and a mess!

But, alas, there are still many UFO's- Unfinished Projects.  I know longer beat myself up or feel guilty about them.  All in good time.  Sometimes when we leave these projects and come back to them- even years later- we have acquired new skills, new perspectives and a much richer finished project.

We all need to have more than once source of creativity in our lives.  We invoke our higher self and open up our subconscious mind.  The best ideas, the best inventions all came from the creative source.  

Working on a project and having a hard time leaving the material world? (no pun intended)  Put on classical or instrumental music.  Anything with words will make your brain focus on the words.  Keep working on what you are doing for at least 20 minutes.  After 20 minutes your brain will unlock itself.

My favourite time to create or quilt is in the late hours into the wee hours.  The house is quiet and the night seems to open up the channels of creativity.

No matter what you do, spend a at least one hour a day in love- in creation.

I will post an easy knitting pattern tomorrow.  It is excellent for using up leftover balls of wool or experiment with vast variety of yarns, fibers and wools that are now available.

You know that Albert Einstein quote: We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. 

To me, this means to change our thinking we have to tap into our creativity.  Tapping into our creativity requires not thinking but imagination, visualization, day dreaming.  These are the powerful, creative forces of our world.

Love and All Good Things,

The Peaceful Matriarch

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