Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Evelyn Clark- Medal of Bravery

It seems only fitting that I start my series on Woman Unlimited with the story of one of my grandmothers.  A strong woman, a Woman Unlimited who lived Simply and Simply Lived.

Evelyn was my father’s mother. I LOVED going to the farm to see them. The big old farmhouse with the huge stove I always saw her cooking on- and it needed wood to heat it up! I have found memories of gathering for “dinner”. Many people around the table in the big kitchen, eating a hot home cooked meal of food fresh from the farm; my aunts sitting in the kitchen talking and laughing.

One time I went upstairs, sat at my grandmother’s vanity, and proceeded to poke through the various items. Ahhhh. I found her make up! My eyes just about popped out of my head when I picked up the funny looking, huge bra she had slung over the back of the chair. I marvelled at the sheer size of the cups!

I still remember the day….coming home from school to find the door locked…the neighbours coming to get us; my dad sitting us down and telling us that she died along with our baby cousin. My world crashed down.

When I was in my 30’s I wrote a letter to the Government of Canada asking that she be considered for a Medal of Bravery. You see, she gave her life that day for children.

The fire broke out after lunch. My grandpa was down in the barn doing the chores. My grandmother had adopted two boys (my uncles who were younger than I). She was tucking the two boys and two other children in for their afternoon naps. My grandmother was a foster mother. One of the children, a toddler, was her very own granddaughter.

When the fire started my grandmother was trapped upstairs. She broke a window on the 2nd story and proceeded to throw the children out the window to safety. She went back for her granddaughter only to be overcome by smoke. They both died while my grandfather watched in deep horror unable to do anything.

Grandma, I still have my rose tea set that you gave me when I was 5. I have your picture close by. I often dream of what it would be like to have you here now with your great grandchildren. As I reach my 50th birthday I realize how young you died. 

The Government of Canada, despite the articles etc that I provided, stated that too much time had passed and they could not consider her. All I wanted was for the world to hear her story and to know what a true and beautiful person she was.

Love and All Good Things,    The Peaceful Matriarch
Evenlyn Clark passed away a hero in Feb 1966 Carleton Place Ontario.


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