Monday, March 1, 2010

Powerful Women

It seems synchronistic for me to begin my debut as a blogger at the close of the 2010 Olympics. Out of the 26 medals won by Canadians, over half were won by Women! Congratulations!

For the young women of today, this would seem so normal- women in sports, women at the podium. Feminism has faded into the annals of history. We are now Woman Unlimited. We have peacefully moved into our power. Even the women living in the worst of circumstances have found the power within. 

Stories of the lives of women have always fascinated me. I remember sitting at a “hen” party many years ago in the Northwest Territories (Canada). I sat back quietly and watched the women who had gathered to laugh,share,and eat chocolate. In the room were powerful women in their own right. International artist. International Photographer. Midwife who successfully changed legislation in the NWT to allow midwifery practice. Mothers. Athlete. I marveled at the depth of their passion, their belief- not only in who they are but how they could help others.

Change agents. They carried on simply living ordinary lives while doing extraordinary things. I knew then that I wanted to share their stories.

In the days and weeks to come I will bring to you the stories of Woman Unlimited. I will give you free tips and advice on ways to live Simple Lives. I want to here from other women who have discovered a Simple way to Simply Living.  I will bring forward topics of wordly concern so we can raise awareness and contrast what we do not want.  Then we can focus on what we all want....

As a famous Beatle said- "Love is All There Is"

Love and All Good things,  The Peaceful Matriarch
Below are my picks....

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