Thursday, March 4, 2010


And your financial advisor should be calling and you should be meeting with your financial advisor at the bare minimum once a year. More often if you are developing your financial plan or going through major life changes.

Wednesdays are dedicated to Financial Planning. Each week I will touch on a separate topic. Below you will see a TABLE OF CONTENT.

I am a financial advisor. I am life licensed in the Province of Ontario, Canada. I am mutually fund licensed in the Province of Ontario. I am not responsible for any personal/professional liability for the information I am providing to you. Always speak to your advisors and seek the proper opinion of your lawyer/accountant etc. Notice I said Proper, not Popular. I will accept full responsibility if this information TRANSFORMS your life.

I have a passion for ensuing my clients are well informed and well educated. I have a passion for what I do because of what I experienced and witnessed over my years on this planet.

I have personally experienced the humiliation and been felt the coldness of a life in poverty. I sat on the board of the National Anti-Poverty Organization (now, Canada Without Poverty) I had the privilege of sitting as the International Secretary and Chair of the Women’s Committee. I travelled with other Non-Government Agencies to participate at the Beijing +10 Conference in New York City, then to Geneva Switzerland to present to the United Nations Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights. My presentation was on the Child Tax Benefit Clawback. I joined the thousands of women across in hosting the relay for the Global Charter for Humanity in Yellowknife, NWT. The stories I heard and women who told them made me very determined to make a difference through my work as a financial advisor. Women come to poverty in many ways and each story is different. Perhaps with education on financial planning from an early age can go a long way to helping segments of women in poverty.

If you have not started your financial plan, or, if you depend on your husband or partner, or, your group plans, or think you are invincible, well, the time to start is now.

CONTENT series

Getting Started with Your Financial Plan-

Insurance: Whyshould I care? I am going to be dead.
• What are the types of insurance?
• Why do I need Life Insurance?
• Why don’t I just buy term and invest the rest?

Living Benefits:
• Disability Insurance
• Critical Illness Insurance
• Long Term Care Insrance

Savings & Income
• How to save on taxes.
• What kind of savings plan should I have?
• What are the definitions for all these funds?
• What is Non-Registered, Registered?
• What are Segregated funds; annuities?

Budget, Fudgit
• Should I have one or not.
• What about Debt?

Estate Planning- only for the rich and famous- right?
• Why do I need a Will?
• What is a Power of Attorney and why do I need one?
• What does it cost to die in Canada?
• What is an Estate and what is its purpose upon death?

• What about my children?
• Yeah, but you are paid by commission!
• Selecting Your advisor
• Resources
• Readers Q&A

Love and All Good Things, The Peaceful Matriarch

I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, harmonious, loving, joyous and happy. 
Think this statement all day long.

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