Friday, March 12, 2010



I was actually very excited about my day today because of the food I was going to eat! I love food and trying new recipes. I decided to incorporate the cranberry drink from the Fat Flush Program- (Dr. Ann Gittleman.)

I jumped on the scale and wow! I lost 2 lbs!

I started the day with the prescribed warm water with lemon.

Breakfast was very yummy- just yogurt with cut up orange, a sprinkle of walnuts, ground flaxseed, sprinkle of almonds.

Lunch was a challenge because I did not get my veggies prepared for the soup the night before. I also realized that there was waaaay too much soup for just me at lunch. The beauty of this- it became supper as well! My kids were not home for lunch, how would they know??? Besides, I could not find the turkey meat I needed for the supper dish. Big Sigh...this is the difficulty of these recipes- finding the ingredients!

I walked in the door after work to the aroma of chocolate chip cookies.

Oh Oh.

My daughter swooped in for her kiss and hug- very proud of her endeavors. Ok, how can one resist just a nibble....mmm. My son was busy putting together the makings for Baking Powder Biscuits. I was going to let the kids have the biscuits and cookies- I would stick to this Super Foods plan....... It was a good thought....I indulged in a few biscuits and one very large cookie!

Who invented chocolate chips? Did someone just wake up after a nap and have an epiphany? I often marvel at the foods we have to eat and how they came to pass. Have you ever found a recipe for crackers???

In retrospect:I would cut down on the fresh food I purchased- either try to buy in smaller quantities or go shopping more often. The reason being, these recipes make a lot of food- especially at lunch. I am the only one home at lunch. They don't particularly freeze well.

Planning is needed to make sure everything is prepared as far as possible the night before.

               .....I definitely need more Tupperware TM !!!!

Love and   All Good Things!   The Peaceful Matriarch

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