Sunday, March 7, 2010


Saturday .
It was named no later than the second century for the planet (Saturn),[citation needed] which controlled the first hour of that day according to Vettius Valens. The planet was named for the Roman god of agriculture Saturn (Latin Saturnus). It has been called dies Saturni ("Saturn's Day"), through which form it entered into Old English as Sæternesdæg and gradually evolved into the word "Saturday". From Wikipedia

For me it is a day to transform from 'Career Woman' to Mom.

This Saturday was a spectacularly warm spring day. The sun was blazing in the sky and you could almost smell spring in the air. I noticed the pussy willows starting to bud on the trees in my yard.

I spent the morning with a Council of Women. Powerful, wise, unlimited Women. I started the day in a very high vibration!

I appreciate fully that Saturday is also a transition day. The kids, after having spent the majority of the week in school have to adjust to being around each other all day. I have to adjust to having them all together for the day!! 

We have strict guidelines in our house in regards to the use of electronic games. During the week they only get ½ an hour. Saturday they get an hour. However, the beds have to be made, the weekly chores completed, kids dressed, breakfast eaten. I keep trying to impress upon my kids that the sooner they get the ‘work’ out of the way, they have the rest of the day!

We go to the library every Saturday. I love being at the library. I always get more books out than I will ever read. However, the beauty is, you can grab as many you like on a topic, then, when you get home and have time, you can narrow the choice down to what you really want to read. I love to get audio books- 1 kid friendly for the car and 1 for myself to listen to during the week on my commute to work and clients. The kids load up on music cd’s and movies.

After the library we hit the beach! A beach covered in ice and snow, but a beach none the less! Lake Nipissing. I sat on the bench facing the sun. I closed my eyes and felt the undeniably seductive heat of the sun warm my face. I watched the kids throw snowballs at each other…they got bored with this activity after a few hits.  After a while they came and collapsed on the bench beside me and noticed the name plate on the bench. They asked why there were names on the benches. I explained that families donated money to the waterfront and in turn, were given a name plate. The names were picked by the families to honour someone they loved. I told them I had donated a piece of the TransCanada trail in honour of their Great Grandfather, Norman Clark.  A whole other conversation ensued about the TransCanada trail!  We moved from the bench to the lake.  We walked out to look at some interesting wind socks and fishing huts.  The novelty soon wore off and the 'can we go home now?' set in.

When we got home I made us some hot chocolate and we all tumbled onto the Great Round Couch to read. One of my kids got busy making brownies.....

All in all, a very good Saturn’s Day….

Love and All Good Things,    The Peaceful Matriarch


(Note: We have four people who do the chores in our house- Ages 9, 12, 12, 50)
1. Divide up the house into sectors and determine how the rotation will be setup.  In our house, I divided the chores up as follows:
                      a) Upstairs dusting, vacuuming, floor sweeping/washing
                      b) Upstairs bathroom
                      c)  Downstairs dusting, vaccuuming, floor sweeping/washing
                      d)  Downstairs bathroom
 We used to rotate every week but there were too many arguments.  We put a list on the Fridge and we rotate every month.

2. Be clear about what your expectations are and gear the duties/expectations to the age of the child.  Do each chore with each child so they understand what has to be done.

3. Don't do chores longer than 2 hours.  I have found that any activity after 2 hours starts to make everyone cranky!

4. Buy rubber gloves for the kids and put their names on the cuffs in marker.

5. Use environmentally safe products.  I purcahse all my cleaning supplies from Melaleuca.  If you are interested in being a member of Melaleuca (etc) contact me.  It is easy and inexpensive to join.  Their prodcuts are amazing!

6. If possible/applicable,  keep the same cleaning supplies in the upstairs and downstairs.  This ensures everyone can get their chores done.

7. Let your kids keep their rooms they way they want during the week but make it clear to them when their rooms have to be cleaned up.  I tell my kids that by Saturday morning their rooms have to be cleaned up so we could get the other chores done.

8. We often put on music while we work.  It keeps everyone's vibration a little higher. 

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