Monday, December 13, 2010


I am sitting here with rosy cheeks and a big smile on my face, despite the late hour. 

I just came in from shovelling the snow out of my driveway.  I bundled all up in my Arctic Gear- not that it was terribly cold, but the wind is blowing.  I stepped into my porch and took a deep breath.  In fact, I stood there breathing for a few minutes because the air smelled so sweet and cool. 

Shovelling was a breeze- it was like shovelling icing sugar.  There was a good foot of it, ahhh, but a truly beautiful evening.  The shovel scrapped noisily along as I ran with it- a whole lot of fun!  The snow had that chipped diamond look so it sparkled as it flew off my shovel.  I know I have created a big vacuum and by the morning as much snow as I shovelled away will surely be there is equal measure.

You just have to love days like this...there are advantages- the grocery store is empty!  I generally take one day a month to plan my meals.  Today was the best day to do it. I completed the  shopping, came home and did as much prep work for the week as I could.  (A few of my friends have asked me to share my easy meal planning.  I will put something together over the next few weeks and post it.)

As I cooked and baked I listened to a couple of books- yes, you read correctly.

I was able to accomplish this because our library as "Play Away" books.  Very cool.  It is like an MP3 player.  This little box has all the buttons you need- power, play, rewind, forward, volume.  You just plug in your ear buds and you are all set!  Our library has fiction, non-fiction, radio plays, kids books etc.  You need a pocket to put it in (well, if you are a woman, you can put it inside your shirt- if you know what I mean!) if you are going to be doing anything.  Caution around any water.

So, as my kids listened to music etc, I could be in the same room doing my thing.  It makes mundane chores such as laundry, putting away the clothes, doing dishes, cooking- etc, very pleasant indeed.  And if it is snowing...a great way to enjoy the day!

Snowing where you are?  Bumming you out? Remember ....  whistle while you you know the song?  Walkn' in the Winter Wonderland?

Here is a version you may is a verse you can add!

                                              Snowplows scrape, are you listening
                                              In the drive, snow is glistening
                                              My shoulders are tight
                                              My cheeks are all bright
                                              Shovellin' in the Winter Wonderland"

hahahah- here is some info on the wonderful Xmas Song- got it off the web! 
The famous Christmas song Winter Wonderland was first published in 1934. The composer was Felix Bernard (1897-1944) and the lyricist was Richard B. Smith (1901-1935). Probably the most popular versions of this classic Christmas song, Winter Wonderland, were recorded to high acclaim by the Andrews Sisters and Perry Como

Time for a hot lemon toddy then off to bed! (see earlier post for recipe)
Love and All Good Things,

The Peaceful Matriarch


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