Friday, December 3, 2010


On one of my trips to the library I came across the book cd by Rhonda Bynre called "The Power".  I have been listening to the cd over the past 3 weeks in my car.  Although much of what she covers I have read in other books- starting with Abraham (Ester Hicks and Jerry Hicks)- she does come up with a method to get the message across which further emphasizes how important the fundamental laws of the Universe are- whether we believe it, accept it or consciously practice them or not.

Over the past few years I have gobbled up (almost) every book I could find on this topic- out of sheer curiosity and sheer desire for knowledge.  Some I was not able to finish.  Some made me very disappointed.  Some, when I actually took the time to keep up my practice, really really worked.  In fact, it got to a point where I became very addicted to the manifestations I was able to create daily. They are a lot of fun!  Except of course the dark days- yeah, my butt was kicked hard when my mind wandered over to the dark side! Rhonda provides some tools that can help you focus and change your point of being.

As I continued my reading frenzy, I would throw up my arms to the universe and say- why is everyone making this so hard!  They are all saying the same thing!  My mind would rage indignantly. Then to further exasperate me I saw all these authors grabbing this info, claiming it and some attaching huge financial price tags to access their "method".   It troubled me.  I am often troubled by these huge global ideas.  Why should I be?  I am after all only a tiny fraction of the people on this planet. But it matters to me. It really does.  If this information is our birthright, why should we be charged so much to be enlightened!  Especially since so many of these ideas are ancient! 

One night I was reading a book and decided to go online to find out more info about the author.  In doing so, the wonderful YouTube had a video featuring Louise Hay.  She was on stage talking at one of her seminars.  I don't remember her exact words but she said something to the effect...some of you will hear my words and not accept what I say.  Then, some of those who don't accept it will listen to someone else speak- different words, same theme- you will have your aha moment.  I realized that this was the answer.  There are so many authors of this not-new-at-all age of enlightenment because they are needed to resonate with a certain audience.  The point is to distribute the message- to reach out to everyone. There must be many messengers to make it work.

When I took a step back it all broke down to one simple thing- Love.  Love is all there is.  What I like about "The Power" is Rhonda talks about Love in a way that will help people understand.  She provides Keys to the Power.  Which again have very familiar rings.  But this is ok too. 

All the different delivery styles of the messengers are reinforcing the ideas.  I liken it to peeling away the layers...with each new reading another layer is taken from the veil- a deeper understanding emerges.  See, I could not figure out why if it was all so simple why it was so hard to incorporate or continually live it!  Why could some people just read one book and turn their lives around?  Why was it so very hard for other people?  I believe part of the difficulty comes from the layers we have cocooned ourselves in. 

Another thing. Why, if we were meant to reach a point of enlightenment, why did we have to do all these various exercises to "trick" our mind, our subconsciousness.  Why not just cut to the chase????  Then I understood the reason.  Our egos are so very powerful and well trained.  Our habits are powerful too. The ego is good because it protects us.  But it is time for the ego to be softened, to fade.  If we don't, then our journey will take longer.  We need these exercises; meditations; affirmations etc so we can change our brain wave patterns and open ourselves up to the higher energy fields.  (I truly love the science- if you are reading this going, yeah right, well, you better check out the new advances in science- they are just catching up to what so many have known for so long.)

In my opinion, it boils down to these simple things:

  • Meditate every day- 2-3 times a day- meditate for peace, for your goals, for your day
  • Breathe deeply- especially when you feel your ego growing with power
  • Your feelings create thoughts
  • Your thoughts create emotions
  • Your emotions create your world
  • Have clear intention and goals
  • You have the power of choice- in every word you speak, every person you interact with
  • Journal every day
  • Live in love - no matter what
  • Be grateful for everything in your life
  • Your mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imaginary- imagine
  • It takes 16 seconds for a thought to become a creative power
  • It takes 21 days to change a habit
  • Treat people the way you would want to be treated.
  • Walk in a sacred way every day.
I know from my own experience that I will fall back because of lack of faith and trust that life is more than all the daily struggles. Julie Roberts, acting in Pretty Woman, says "the bad things are easier to believe!"  Rhonda Byrne eloquently talks about the mechanics of negative vibrations and why the bad things are not only easier to believe but how that belief will continue to keep attracting more of the same.  The Key is to change your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

My suggestion would be to find someone who's work resonates with you.  Read, listen, write- whatever way you are able to incorporate the messages.  Your peaceful way will influence others to a peaceful way or to leave your life.  Next thing, your little change has changed the world.

Live with Love and Light in every moment and every situation in your life.  Keep track of the changes, watch YouTube videos on the laws, stay away from negative people and negative conversations, form a like minded group- anything.  Just love, believe and be grateful!

May The Power be with YOU!

Love and All Good Things,

The Peaceful Matriarch

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