Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A short post because it is so early in the morning....

Have you?  Like Me? been so busy that the months have slipped and slided and whizzed by? I have dear friends who I have been wanting to call, meaning to call and have not, at least physically, found the time to.  Mentally I send wishes out into the universe, hoping they will catch them!

I had to go into the office tonight.  Once there I started making the calls.  There is something so powerful about calling an old friend.  I slipped right into a pattern of feeling so familiar and so heart warming.  That feeling is gratitude and love.  Absolute gratitude that I have friendships that have sustained decades of LIFE.  Even new friends, though not as deeply ingrained, stir the deep sense of gratitude for having them in my life.  Friends allow you to pick up where you left off without any recriminations- where have you been?  why have you not called?  hahaha  (It works both ways, baby!)

The television is full of commercials for Christmas. ( I watch so little tv, but when I do, I cannot escape them- even if I mute them.)  I am astounded that places such as Walmart show great giving for the cheap price of $349!  Wow.  No wonder people get so stressed- how do you compete with THAT?

Gifts are wonderful to give- they make us feel good- if you are buying them because it makes you feel good.  They are wonderful to receive. 

No matter what the gift- receive it with a smile and great gratitude- even if it is not something you had on your list (or would wear in a million years.)  It is bad karma to not accept a gift. You will block the flow of receiving!  You get what you give...give what you want to get!

Yet, the biggest and best gift we can give is ourselves.  Our friendships. Real friendships are life time bonds that mean more than any material possession you could ever have- ever!  Nurture them, feel the gratitude- No matter what- feel the love and the gratitude for having the privilege of having these people in your life!

To all my friends, pass, present and future- love to you all- and THANK YOU!

Love and All Good Things,

The Peaceful Matriarch

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