Monday, June 26, 2017

Girl Power

It has been 5 long years since I have posted to this site.  The world has changed dramatically but some things do not change.  Perhaps the old ways are like caterpillars- they will soon get wound up in cocoons of their own making to disappear then rise out like magic into something stunning, beautiful, and inspirational.  Girl Power is like that- transformational if we are given the respect, opportunity as well as acknowledgement.  I have just been made aware of a powerful force that has been shaping the economic landscape of Northern Ontario, Canada for almost 25 years.  PARO for Enterprising Women.  Successfully supporting and growing women in business through Peer Micro Lending Circles.  GIRL POWER!  More to come- a perfect time to bring Woman Unlimited back to life. 

Love and All Good Things,
The Peaceful Matriarch

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