Friday, June 3, 2011


Spring has sprung and all the poetics are springing forth from writers everywhere...the warmth, the birthing of life, flowers, sunshine.......

Forget the sonnets and poems...don't you feel the new energy?  Can't you feel the planet alignments and the Earth shifts?  Even if you don't follow or don't believe, take a moment of silence and feel...think....can you sense a difference?

Can you feel the overwhelming urge to find the biggest garbage bin possible to just start tossing all that is no longer needed?  Can you feel the urge to sweep, not under the carpet, but just out the bloody door?  Are you compelled to make huge lists of tasks for inside, outside....clean up, fix up, throw out and just feel complete?

I spent a whole day in deep joy- briskly going through my TO DO list and merrily crossing off as DONE.  As the day progressed and with each exagerated swipe of my checkmark, I could feel the weight of my spirt lift.  Oh it felt so delicisously, sinfully good!

And here I sit with a big smile on my face...looking around my office...and then it hits me...I laugh out loud....what a mess!  and out of the TO DONE is now more TO DO....

It will take a whole seasonal cycle before I feel the weight of the new TO DO list...finished business creates unfinished business wonder their are so many poets...

Love and all Good Things....

Woman Unlimited

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