Monday, June 26, 2017

Girl Power

It has been 5 long years since I have posted to this site.  The world has changed dramatically but some things do not change.  Perhaps the old ways are like caterpillars- they will soon get wound up in cocoons of their own making to disappear then rise out like magic into something stunning, beautiful, and inspirational.  Girl Power is like that- transformational if we are given the respect, opportunity as well as acknowledgement.  I have just been made aware of a powerful force that has been shaping the economic landscape of Northern Ontario, Canada for almost 25 years.  PARO for Enterprising Women.  Successfully supporting and growing women in business through Peer Micro Lending Circles.  GIRL POWER!  More to come- a perfect time to bring Woman Unlimited back to life. 

Love and All Good Things,
The Peaceful Matriarch

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ode to the F35's- A Truly Canadian Tale-eh?

Oh, there once was a man named McKay

Who wanted his F35's ok'd

He lied about the numbers

Creating a big blunder

That very daft man named McKay!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


As a woman, I wear a lot of pantyhose.  It baffles me how expensive this article of clothing is and how short lived is its life span.  I even find myself writing about it to vent my frustration at yet another ruined pair that did not even make it through the day!

I love wearing pantyhose, stockings and tights.  Pantyhose can be practical, fun and cover up many imperfections.  Stockings are wildy sexy and a godsend in the summer months when you have to wear somthing on your legs at work.  Tights are just down right practical, comfy and warm.

Think of all the things we do to make them last longer- and who gets to be right about the advice?  Wash them before you wear them; don't wash them before you wear them; use nail polish to stop the ladders (runs); have a pedicure before you wear them..freeze them even!

..... how you put them on is an art.  Running late for leg partly in, the other flapping around as you try to find the earring you dropped on the floor.  Sitting up, standing, in the car, in the elevator, the washroom at work- one does have to get inventive!

Curious about them?  Here are some the way, pantyhose are all American!
  • Hems went up in the 1920's and for the first time (well, fashionable again) so silk and rayon hose came into being;
  • 1938 Dupont invented nylon
  • 1940-1950 the stockings were sewn into briefs for none other than Hollywood
  • Glen Raven Knitting mills started us on our way
  • Panti Legs were sold in the open market in the 1959's
  • Ernst Rice had a patent placed (which turned into a major legal dispute)
  • 1970's- sales exceeded stockings
  • 1995- saw a decline due to bare legs being the fashion of the day- up to 2006.
It is a love-hate relationship, this thing I have for pantyhose.  They have multiple uses- the woman's version of duct tape!  (Unlike duct tape, we can actually use pantyhose for their intended purpose as well!) As a kid I tied a ball into the end of a one leg, stood with my back to a wall and pounded the wall behind me with the ball/stocking singing some now forgotten rhyme.  I used them for Halloween costumes- base for wigs and souped up for cat ears.  I have used them to fix my car. (They don't seem to run when I use them for other things!)

And we can't forget the men- how they love to see our legs looking sleek and sexy.  I discovered it really does not matter how old they are.  Many years ago I was waiting for my date and a young male todller came up to where I was sitting.  He kept looking at my legs and suddenly, he was running his hands up and down my leg!  Being much taller than him, he of course was standing at eye level to my legs- curiosity got the better of him- what were those things on her legs???  As with all things within a toddlers reach, he just had to check it out.  I have lost track of that young lad, I bet he is a leg man!

Really?  You can put a man on the moon but why oh why can we not get run free hose! (and not pay through the nose!)

Love and all good things!
The Peaceful Matriach