Friday, May 20, 2011


Driving down my street today, at noon, I saw the funniest thing- a Mallard Duck sitting in a mud puddle- a very,very small mud puddle- at the end of my neighbour's driveway!

I laughed out loud!  What a silly duck!

Then I got to thinking...

This duck, if it took it self up into the sky and flew south a few blocks it would hit a huge lake and find many great duck friends- like minded friends, fishy food and tasty water weeds.....if he flew north a few longer blocks he could find a smaller but equally bountiful lake to swim, chum it up and eat in....

I wonder how many of us are living our lives like this duck.  Taking the first space we can find thinking this is all that there can be...not being brave enough to just broaden our horizons...brave the wide world to see what other possibilities are awaiting ....just around the corner.

Many predict the end of the world on May 21st.  I say, let it be an end to how we think, how we see the world, how we interact in the world. 

Don't be the duck in the puddle....

Love and all good things!

The Peaceful Matriarch