Tuesday, February 15, 2011


If one is truly interested in the history of Valentine's day, it is easily found- on-line or at the library.  As with so many of our traditions and holidays, the true culture or meaning surrounding days such as this has changed and dim over time.

Valentine's Day- loaded with expectations- love, affection, expectations- oh yeah, I already said that!  I will leave the expectation part out of today's post.  I expect (pun intended) the imagination does not have to stretch far to capture how 'expectation' intertwines with Valentine's Day.  (You just need a 10 year old with a definite idea of what kind of Valentine Cards are needed for his classmates to test expectations to the limit.)

How about the unexpected.  The unexpected which brings the beauty of a surprised look, a tender smile, sheer joy, deep gratitude, a spreading of warmth through the heart.

I woke up this morning to a scene of white beauty-it gave me pause and much to be grateful for. Thick, white snow- picture perfect.  And, a driveway full due to the ever diligent snowplow! I could tell from my vantage point the snow was of the snowman making nature- heavy and wet.

I stood for a moment undecided.  Should I just don my winter gear and shovel before getting ready for work, or get ready for work and pretend it is not really there? 

I chose the latter.

After getting ready for work and shoosing children out the door to the bus, I did a double take. No, my eyes were not deceiving me- the driveway was free and clear!  The banks around my driveway had the look of a snowblower!  A very kind neighbour!  Not only did he do my driveway, but he did the driveways of the neighbour on both sides of me.  This man will have 100-fold good fortune coming his way times 3 over!